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Institute Hyalual in France on the master class Redermalization – solution for treatment of dark circles


Institute Hyalual continues to master the European markets!

This month, the French market opened its doors to our company. And this discovery was immediately marked by two master classes:

On May 14, 12 doctors from Paris got acquainted with the features and capabilities of Xela Rederm after listening to the theoretical and practical part on Redermalization – solution for treatment of dark circles from the leading speaker of the Institute Hyalual. Daniel Sister (Great Britain). The master class was held in Clinique des Champs Elysees.

On May 22, 12 doctors from the southern region of France already received their information about Xela Rederm, visiting a master class in Nice, which Dr. Daniel Sister. Particularly interesting for French doctors was the topic “Redermalization – solution for treatment of dark circles”, with the help of Xela Rederm 1.1%. “

The Institute Hyalual does not stop at the achieved result and continues its expansion in Europe.


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Lesen Sie auch:

Hyalual Poland Day
24.09.2020 Alexandr Karpinskiy Chmielewski Robert
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The Second Edition of Hyalual Poland Day in Warsaw took place on September 19.


During the meeting, new techniques and solutions in the field of aesthetic medicine created by the Hyalual Institute were presented. In the first part of Dr. Robert Chmielewski spoke about "A new generation of fractional rejuvenation of the face, neck and décolleté without rehabilitation period. How to achieve a stunning effect in 15 minutes."

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Hyalual participated in SPME 2019!
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Hyalual took part in a major national congress of aesthetic medicine in Portugal- SPME. It is a great honor for us to be the Silver Sponsor participate in such an important mission. The 4-th annual congress welcomed his visitors  on 31 Оctober - 2 November in Cascais highlighting the natural beauty of the surrounding landscape and blue expense of Atlantic ocean.

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39th National Congress of Aesthetic Medicine and Dermatologic Surgery
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Paris has been hosting the annual National Congress of Aesthetic Medicine and Dermatologic Surgery for more than 35 years now.

Within 2 days, Institute Hyalual presented all the benefits of using our products to all the participants. We enjoyed pleasant conversations, serious discussions and shared experience.

It should be noted that visitors showed their high interest in the possibility of Xela Rederm 1,1% to reduce dark circles under eyes.

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