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Мастер класс на тему:

Hyalual science and results: a comprehensive approach to anti-aging medicine

Alberto Leguina-Ruzzi

MD, PhD, Hyalual Medical Trainer
Author of multiple publications in the dermatology and metabolic field. Trained in Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Columbia University of New York, Juntendo University Tokyo, Acquisition Aesthetic London and certified by the First Faculty of Medicine of Charles University Prague.
Specialized in injectables, non invasive anti-aging procedures ,regenerative medicine, cosmetology and laser surgery.
Member of:
  • AAAM - American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine
  • WOSIAM - World Society Interdisciplinary Anti-Aging Medicine
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Город / Страна



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Tirana, Albania




Теоретическая часть:

9:30 Welcome coffee break.

10:00 Start. Welcome word from Gen-AlbFarma and Hyalual company.

10:15 Start of the presentation by Dr. Alberto Leguina-Ruzzi.

  • Concept of aging: multifactorial components that leads to an aged appearance
  • Two ‘’levels’’ approximation: treating the skin and then the structure
  • Hyalual portfolio of products: our key to treat it all

12:00 Coffee break.

12:20 Start of the product part by Dr. Alberto Leguina-Ruzzi. 

Let’s start with the skin

  • The importance of HMW-HA and Succinic Acid: Electri, Xela 1.1, Xela 1.8, Xela 2.2 and Perfoskin
  • Practical part (1 Model for XR, 1 Model for Perfokin Complex, 1 for Electri (or we can move this patient for combination of XR and Peels)
  • Multipurpose superficial chemical peelings

14:20 Short Coffee break.

14:30 Start of Alexa Presentation by Dr. Alberto Leguina-Ruzzi.

Restoring volumes

  • Crosslinked HA Alexa Medium and Volume
  • Basic techniques of application
  • Recognition and management of complications
  • Practical part 1 model for Alexa.

Final remarks

16:00 End of the official part and start of buffet.

На практике:

Practical part:

  • 1 Model for XR,
  • 1 Model for Perfokin Complex,
  • 1 Model for Electri,
  • 1 Model for Alexa.

Дополнительная информация:

Tirana, Albania, Maritim Hotel Plaza

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