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Basic Redermalization by Dr. Olga Tumar


Show is going on and Hyalual continues launching Redermalization and its amazing products in Spain


We are appreciating our partners in Spain DPI-Cosmetology and its high professional staff for first-class arrangements of masterclass held in Barcelona on June 21st 2019 by Hyalual's international trainer  Dr. Olga Tumar.


Hyalual so much appreciates every of more than 20 doctors and practitioners who visited masterclass evidencing advantages of synergy of hyauloronic and succinic acid to achieve nature-looking and outstanding results.  


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Xela Rederm Launches in Indonesia
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This October saw a full-scale launch of Xela Rederm in Indonesia, made possible through the successful partnership between Hyalual and Unison Medika. A series of 6 master classes for medical professionals and top clinics were held in the three largest cities of Indonesia.


The visitor count was truly impressive: over 200 medical professionals came to master the linear and papullar techniques, and learned about the Redermalization methods applicable for the face, neck, hand and décolletage areas.


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Hyalual took part in an international research to practice conference in Uzbekistan
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On September 6-7, 2019, the international research to practice conference “Current issues in dermatology and aesthetic medicine” took place in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.


Over 800 attendees from CIS countries, Europe and the USA took part in the conference, organized by the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Republican Specialized Research to Practice Medical Center of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology, and the Association of Dermatovenereologists of Uzbekistan.

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Launch of Xela Rederm in Chile
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Xela Rederm was launched in the large conference hall of the Diego de Almagro Providencia Hotel in Santiago (Chile) on 11-12 November. It was attended by around 60 participants over these two days.

After the launch, at the DRA clinic. ANA MARÍA CATALÁN, seven master training classes were given by Olga Tumar, anesthesiologist, dermatologist, Institute Hyalual international medical trainer, EADV member. 

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