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Hyalual participated in SPME 2019!


Hyalual took part in a major national congress of aesthetic medicine in Portugal - SPME. It is a great honor for us to be the Silver Sponsor participate in such an important mission. The 4-th annual  welcomed his visitors  on 31 Оctober - 2 November in Cascais highlighting the natural beauty of the surrounding landscape and blue expense of Atlantic ocean.


SPME Scientific committees have developed extensive theoretical and practical workshops programs for experienced doctors and those begging to enter the aesthetic, with regard to the level of detail of each theme and the number of areas addressed.


Through the course of three busy days, our visitors had the opportunity to obtain comprehensive theoretical knowledge about Redermalization procedure.


On 1 of November Dr. Miguel Trincheiras presented a scientific lecture on the topic of "How to treat ageing? Redermalization a milestone in Skin Rejuvenation". Lecture aroused great interest among visitors.


We would like to thank all the visitors for attending our stand , our distributor in Portugal -Proscience  and his team for outstanding job and the stand, Dr. Miguel Trincheiras for brilliant performance and to the SPME committee for all the opportunities provided at the exhibition.


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3rd Dissection Сadaver Сourse 2019: Event Report
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The 3rd Dissection Cadaver Course by Hyalual was held on September 23-25 in Poznan, Poland.


The key course instructors were Ilya Meskhi (Georgia), Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor and Agnieszka Przystanska (Poland), Doctor of Medical Sciences, maxilla-facial surgeon.

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Workshop "Redermalization- skin rejuvenation without surgery", Baden Baden (Germany)
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On June 2, 2019 in a picturesque city of  Baden Baden (Germany), Hyalual has conducted a seminar on "Redermalization- skin rejuvenation without surgery. Holistic treatment with the new generation drug Xela Rederm ". 


In a professional yet friendly manner of presentation by Dr. Juergen Reus german aesthetic practitioners and doctors  enjoyed the opportunity to get to know about features and advantages of  Redermalization

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Master class with Professor Roberto Pelliccia at IAPEM (Italy)
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On January 13, 2019 in Milan (Italy), more than 30 participants enjoyed the opportunity to get to know about the peculiar features and potential of Xela Rederm and Electri products after attending the theoretical and practical sections of the lecture on “Biostimolazione – Biorivitalizzazione – Redermalizzazione: Viso e décolleté” (“Biostimulation. Biorevitalization. Redermalization: neck and decollete”) given by Professor Roberto Pelliccia.
The master class was held at IAPEM, The International Academy of Practical Aesthetic Medicine.

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