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з Вашого гостьового облікового запису?

Что вы узнаете

Теоретическая часть:

  • Announcement: complications after dermal fillers and known causes
  • Methods to correct dermal filler complications
  • Injection safety guidelines
  • Anatomy for safe facial correction (frontal, temporal, perioral and supraorbital areas)
  • Selection algorithm based on treatment site and cosmetic concerns
  • Aspiration as an integral part of safe injection

На практике:

Сomplication prevention methods, protocols for managing complications and adverse events

Дополнительная информация:

English language

! We recommend using a laptop or personal computer for viewing.

If you have any questions please contact a Hyalual representative office or а partner within your country

Вебинар ведет

Tumar Olga

In 2008 she graduated from the Kharkiv National Medical University: medical practice,

In 2010, she passed "dermatovenereology" course at the Department of Postgraduate Education of the National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named after P.L. Shupyk.


Diplomas and certificates:

  • 2011 - Training on working with Multiline and Sciton (USA), a multifunctional laser platform
  • 2011 - Allergan, Pirus V.T., Al-Nagash M.M., Contour Plastics, Neurotoxins
  • 2011 - Dysport, Borodko A.V.;
  • 2011 - Contour plastics with Stylage
  • 2012 - Contour plastics with Teosyal
  • 2012 - Seminars on Holy Land cosmetics
  • 2012 - Seminars on Obagi cosmetics
  • 2012 - Seminars on Danne cosmetics (DMK)
  • 2013 - Seminars on Zein Obagi cosmetics
  • 2013 - Seminars on Biologique Recherche cosmetics
  • 2014 - Training on Laennec
  • 2014 - Training on contour plastics with FloSal
  • 2014-2017 - I-III European Congress on Injection Techniques
  • 2015 - Training on contour plastics with Radiesse
  • 2017 – AMEC VISAGE Monaco
  • 2017 - Contour plastics with Belotero
  • 2017 - Intensive course on anatomy of face and neck (company Merz)

Work experience:

  • Since 2011 - private practice in dermatocosmetology
  • Since June 2017 - dermatocosmetologist at the clinic of injecting cosmetology "Institute Hyalual"
  • Medical expert at the Institute Hyalual

Procedures performed:

  • Redermalization;
  • Contour plastics;
  • Neurotoxins;
  • Thread lifting;
  • Peeling;
  • Mesotherapy;
  • Plasmolifting;
Показати все
Complications from dermal fillers and methods of correction
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Розмір файлу, що завантажується, не може перевищувати 50мб.

25.06.2020 15:47:26


Regards from Malta

06.07.2020 23:15:52



Смотрите также:

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Doctor’s small talk on different application points for Redermalization

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Myths around dermal fillers: what marketing will never tell you. The TRUE story from HA laboratory developer.

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