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Теоретическая часть:

During this event we did:

  • Analyzed the pathogenesis and targeted methods of influence,
  • Presented the step-by-step algorithms for addressing pigmentation of any type,
  • “Arm” you with effective tools,
  • Analyzed complex cases in detail.
Вебинар ведет

Speakers - Inneke Jane Hidajat, Vladlena Averina, Oksana Pashkovska


Inneke Jane Hidajat – icon of Asian aesthetic medicine, winner of 2019 Indonesia Beauty Icon Award,

Vladlena Averina – course director of AMWC (Monaco), president of the Association of Aesthetic Gynecology and Andrology, scientific director of conference cycle “Portrait of a Complex Patient”,

Oksana Pashkovska – expert of the International Association of Anti-Aging Medicine, founder of Face Zone Aesthetic Medicine Clinic in Kyiv, international trainer of Hyalual.


Показати все
Science Behind Pigmentation Treatment: A Detailed Guide to Aesthetic Correction
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