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Was erfahren Sie?

Theoretischer Teil:

  • Managing patients' expectations based on pigmentation type
  • Depigmentation purposes of Xela Rederm
  • The role of succinic Acid in inhibiting melanogenesis
  • Selecting a treatment protocol and Xela Rederm concentration
  • Key features of injection techniques
  • Recommendations for post-procedure care
  • Q&A session


Das Webinar leitet

Dr. Inneke Jane Hidajat

MD, MSc, Board Certified Dermatovenereologist, Dermatosurgeon, Senior Lecturer at School of Medicine, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, 2019 Indonesian Rising Star Dermatologist, International Hyalual KOL

Alles zeigen
Summer Glow, Post-Summer Woes: Dealing with Hyperpigmentation
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