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Doctoral Candidate of Medical Sciences, dermatocosmetologist, dermatovenereologist, physical therapist, leech therapy practitioner. Chief medical officer of the AvroMed medical center, certified Hyalual trainer, Profi grade.


In her practice, actively combines treatment and rehabilitation of dermatological and trichological conditions with modern cosmetological correction techniques.



Clinical Research and Procedures:


  • classic dermatology
  • acne and post-acne treatment
  • scar correction
  • treatment of alopecia and other scalp conditions
  • scleroatrophic skin conditions
  • injection cosmetology
  • redermalization
  • biorevitalization
  • placental therapy
  • machine cosmetology
  • Botulinum toxin therapy
  • volumetric modeling


Academic and Research Work and Achievements:


Certified Hyalual trainer, Profi level.

Doctoral Candidate of Medical Sciences.

Presenter at international, Russian national and regional congresses.

Authored over 35 publications on dermatology and cosmetology, as well as 2 technical improvement suggestions.

Participant in post-authorization trials in different areas of cosmetology and dermatology.

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