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Ромашкина Анастасия

Кандидат медицинских наук, врач дерматокосметолог, дерматовенеролог, физиотерапевт, гирудотерапевт. Медицинский директор клиники "Beauterra", серцифицированный тренер Hyalual Expert.

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The Current Concept of Aging Prevention from the Standpoint of Evidence Medicine (with practical demonstration)
The Current Concept of Aging Prevention from the Standpoint of Evidence Medicine (with practical demonstration)

with Alexandr Karpinskiy

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Lifting the Skin Microrelief Using Redermalization to Influence Facial Retaining Ligaments
Lifting the Skin Microrelief Using Redermalization to Influence Facial Retaining Ligaments

with Alexandr Karpinskiy

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Complications from dermal fillers and methods of correction
Complications from dermal fillers and methods of correction

with Olha Tumar

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Пациент с куперозом и розацеа. Вызов эстетической коррекции
Пациент с куперозом и розацеа. Вызов эстетической коррекции

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Science Behind Pigmentation Treatment: A Detailed Guide to Aesthetic Correction
Science Behind Pigmentation Treatment: A Detailed Guide to Aesthetic Correction

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